Note to Readers

Dear Readers,  Thank you for being loyal followers.  I have enjoyed publishing to you for quite a few years – 14 years for those of you that started with me via Mason County News.

I will be taking a long and necessary break as I send my only son off to college.  I will hopefully resume sometime in the late summer early fall.

Warmest Regards,

Margaret Durst


About NaturalCowgirl

Margaret Durst has been involved with natural health for over 20 years. In her early 30s, she was faced with a medical diagnosis that recommended a lifetime of prescription drugs. In her heart, she knew that there must be an alternative way to healing and health and thus began her journey into natural health. Along the way, Margaret has trained with many different natural health practitioners and earned a degree in Naturopathy. She established her nutritional consulting practice and opened The Green House in 2003 to enable her mission of helping people navigate the natural health maze. People have praised Margaret for intuitive ability to help people address their health issues and goals with diet and lifestyle choices and successfully take responsibility for their health and wellbeing. This comes from Margaret’s deeply held beliefs in the body’s innate ability to heal and in the tools nature provides for health and healing.
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5 Responses to Note to Readers

  1. Norman E Andrews says:

    I’m not religious (not a believer) but my natural impulse is “Bless you and bless your son–and thanks for all you’ve done!”.

  2. dvshears says:

    you definitely will be missed but with seeing you later gives me something to look forward to. have a good summer Margaret

  3. Connie says:

    Dear Margaret

    Enjoy your time off and getting your son off to college. Look forward to having you back in late summer, early fall.

    Thank you for your posts.

    Connie Quatrano

  4. Jonny says:

    Looking to see your content back very soon.

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